After about seven months renting in a new city, we have finally found a place to settle. While this move won't be as gigantic as the last one, it still involves another round of changes. We'll have to learn our way around a different side of town. The kids will start another school in the fall. Then, there's a new house to furnish and decorate and unknown neighbors to meet.
While our family packs up and loads boxes, picks out new furniture, and sells stuff we don't need anymore, I'm also renovating this blog! It was past time for a new look. The changes will be gradual, as this mommy only has so many hours to sit down undisturbed.
I have been blogging for about nine years. It has always been cathartic for me, and I have been blessed to meet other moms in the blogosphere that I still keep up with today. Over the past year or two, I have felt the nudge to bring a clearer focus to my posts. A writing professor once told me to "Write what you know," so I have found that what I care and know about is what it feels like to live, love, and struggle through this season of being a mom. I had no idea what I was getting into when I had my firstborn, and I'm still learning with ever new developmental stage. Not only do I mark their accomplishments over time, but I sense my own growth during this parenting process.
So The Mom Season blog will be all about encouraging other moms in their own journey of motherhood and sharing honest stories of what life is like- the sparkly, rainbow moments and the ugly, I-wanna-start-over days.
* * * * * To celebrate all things new around here, I will be hosting a blog warming party in the next month. While I share pictures of our new home, I will also be announcing changes related to the blog. And there will be giveaways from some creative friends of mine! Stay tuned.... * * * * *
Yay Dani, I'm so excited about your new home and your new blog! Congrats on both...
Thanks! You'll have to come and visit :-)
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