I honestly don't know how I get three kids to school on time, every single morning, five days a week. Granted, I barely get them there before the bell rings, but they get there.
And it feels like a miracle.
All of the directions I must spew from 7-8am is absolutely ridiculous- not to mention the stress-inducing chemicals wreaking havoc on my overall health.
Every morning I attempt to infuse my system with caffeinated super powers and the emotional resolve required to face the chaos, but I still reach a point where I think I'm not going to make it.
That's why it's amazing that we do.
This happens every morning. The repeating, reminding, and remembering. The fixing, feeding, and forgetting.
Doing it all over and over again is something like insanity, and yet it's the nature of my job. And it's very important. And I keep doing it- hoping, of course, that after the last backpack walks into the last classroom, I will sink back into some quiet and finally eat some breakfast.
No matter how the day goes or how I feel about it, the truth is that I'm thankful for the supernatural help Jesus gives me to keep going. I suspect that it's more Him than the coffee that gets me through the crazy morning hustle.
Lamentations 3:22-23:
"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness. "